How It Works
Calling all Dispatchers and Drivers! Maximize your earnings with Detention Source Lite! Track, calculate, and claim your detention pay effortlessly, ensuring fair compensation for your valuable time.
First have the driver download the mobile application on the App Store or Google Play.

Create an account, try it free for 30 Days.

Input user information, how many hours free time you allow, and how much you charge an hour for detention.

Click "Track Detention Now" whenever you arrive to a shipper or receiver or whenever you arrive to a location and feel you are going to be waiting a while. Click *Allow Location* if prompted.

The system will then redirect you to the below screen where you will input your detention parameters and stop information.

After you confirm the detention charges, click "Confirm "Complete.

The email address the driver has on file will automatically be sent a detention summary. The Detention Summary is a document designed to have all the necessary information to get compensated for detention. The "App logged timestamp" shows the time and location of the driver when they originally clicked "Track Detention Now"

The driver can also email the detention summary to anybody they choose by clicking "Share Summary". If the driver selects "Close Order" the driver will be sent back to the "Track Detention Now" screen to start the next order.

Once the driver clicks "Share Summary", the driver will just type in whoever's email address they would like and click "Send Report".

When to Use DS Lite
Detention occurs when a driver is detained past the amount of free time allowed to load or unload a particular load. With DS Lite, drivers can use the application every time they arrive at a shipper/receiver, or they can choose to use it as a as needed service whenever they feel like they are going to be held up getting loaded/unloaded.

The Process
Once the driver clicks “Track Detention” in the mobile application, the software will store the GPS coordinates from the drivers cell phone and the system will also log the time in which the truck driver clicked “Track Detention”, both the GPS coordinates and the time will be used in the detention summary. It’s important for drivers to only click “Track Detention” upon arrival to the shipper/receiver as the location and time are both used in the detention summary to prove the driver was at the correct location on time. After the driver clicks “Track Detention”, the driver waits until they are loaded/unloaded and once they are loaded/unloaded they will input the Load# (in correspondence to their customer), the appointment date/time, and the in and out times in correlation to what the shipper/receiver has documented.
There will also be a set of predefined fields that are editable such as allotted free time and the hourly detention rate. The application will calculate the appropriate detention charges to be requested based on the information that was input by the driver. The detention summary will provide the location and time stamp of the driver when they clicked “Track Detention”, the appointment date/time, the check in and out times, a breakdown of any applicable detention charges, and a comment section for the driver to input any comments they feel are warranted. This detention summary will be automatically emailed to the email address the driver has on file and the driver can also share the detention summary with others from the application. The detention summary is a document that provides all the essential information to get paid detention.